Mission Pediatrics Free Neuro Clinic

The free Neuro Clinic was an initiative started by Mission Pediatrics in 2022. 

Time is allocated every month for this clinic. The clinic is also open to learners once beneficiaries of the clinic give their consent.

Recognizing that not all families who need neurodevelopmental services are able to afford them, Mission Pediatrics offers free or subsidized neurodevelopmental consultations to families who cannot afford them. The only criteria is a genuine request that can be corroborated by another witness or a referral by a health professional with the specific request of accessing the free Neuro Clinic. The Down’s Syndrome community of Ghana (Hope Alive Community) enjoys subsidized neuroconsultations (50% discount on consultations). The Cerebral Palsy community, through Lady Counsellor Owurayere Arhin, also benefits from subsidized consultations.

This is part of our corporate social responsibility at Mission Pediatrics. Support for this cause will enable us to reach more people and donate more time and expertise to this clinic.